Tel: 630-803-4847
Supervised Parenting Time
In our office, in your home, or out on the town.
Our facility is here to provide an engaging environment free of conflict or interference, with our highly trained staff to include licensed social workers, licensed professional counselors, an attorney/Guardian ad Litem practicing in the surrounding counties, and an ABA therapy trained behavioral technician.
Our services range from court-ordered supervised parenting time, coached parenting time with our credentialed staff, voluntary supervised parenting time, property inventory and exchange, and a neutral exchange location.
The cost of services vary based on the unique circumstances of each family, the financial needs of the parties, the extent of services needs, and the availability of our staff. Please contact our office for an estimate of services.
Cost range: $75-100/hour
This is often a step-down approach from supervised parenting time to unsupervised parenting time.
​During this process, a licensed therapist will interact with the parent and child(ren) to facilitate a smooth transition by way of parental coaching, facilitating targeted interactions, engaging in conversation, and developing parenting skills.
​This service can be provided via court order or by voluntary agreement of the parties. This service can also be done at our facility, in your home, or a location of your choosing.
Cost range: $10/exchange
Our staff is trained in high conflict custody arrangements and the impact this can have on children. Our facility serves as a neutral location to assist and monitor the safe exchange of children.
During this exchange, each child will enter the facility without either parent and check in with a staff member (to assess safety concerns, bruises, belongings being transferred, etc.) before the child is transferred to the other parent. Each parent will remain in their respective vehicle, and the child will be escorted by a staff member to the other parent's vehicle.
Cost range: $65-125/hour
Supervised parenting time that has been required by the court can happen for various reasons. Our facility serves as a facility to monitor parenting time in a controlled environment without issues of parental interference or negative altercations, as well as monitored interactions with a parent and child(ren).
​Our staff is trained to intervene when necessary to ensure the continued safety of everyone during the visit, is prepared to interact with court personnel to report compliance with existing court orders. All parents (and children over 13) will be required to sign a release of information prior to the start of visits to allow coordination of information between parties, staff, and applicable court representative or attorneys.
​This service can be provided in our facility, in your home, or a location of your choosing depending on staff availability and restrictions specified in the court order.
Our facility also offers parents to conduct supervised parenting time on a voluntary basis, in a controlled, neutral environment.